Jargon Buster – Vulnerable Clients  

Court of Protection

A specialist Court who deals with any matter relating to a person who has lost mental capacity.

Office of the Public Guardian – OPG

The OPG is a Ministry of Justice organisation responsible for maintaining registers of Attorneys and Deputy’s, supervising Attorneys to ensure implementation of their legal duties and investigating reports of abuse against an Attorney or Deputy.


A person who creates a Lasting Power of Attorney and appoints people to make financial and/or health decisions on their behalf.


A person appointed under a Lasting Power of Attorney to make financial or personal welfare decisions for someone else (the donor).


A person appointed by the Court of Protection to make financial or personal welfare decisions for an incapacitated person.


The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) is a lawful procedure where it is necessary to deprive a person of their liberty who lacks mental capacity to consent to their care in order to keep them safe from harm.

Deprivation of liberty

A deprivation of liberty occurs when a person has their freedom limited in some way. This is usually because they are under constant supervision and control and is not free to leave and cannot consent to such arrangements.

Local Authority

Also known as the local council – government organisation that is responsible for individual and business services to include Health Servies, Social Servies and Education.


NHS Continuing Health Care is a package of ongoing care, usually fully funded, for people with needs that cannot be met by universal or specialist services alone.


NHS Funded Nursing Care is a weekly contribution by the NHS towards the cost of registered nursing care being provided in a residential care home setting. 



How Does the Family Court Decide Who Get What in Divorce?


Enduring Powers of Attorney